Mulheres na Feira
«Ten years ago, Olavo Amado joined a group to clean the pavements near his house. The following day, he walked to Espaço Teia D’Arte in order to try his hand at painting. João Carlos Silva had asked the young people in the Riboque neighbourhood in São Tomé to discover what was hidden under the paving stones that people stepped on everyday, and then to go the next day to Espaço Teia D’Arte to paint. In the crisscrossing lines of a pavement and those of a canvas, Olavo found his labyrinth and lost himself painting...»
Amado Olavo, é artista plástico.
Nasceu em S. Tomé, em 1979.
Pouco conhecido em Portugal.
As suas obras apresentam influências da arte brasileira e Senegalense.
Deixo aqui o registo de algumas obras.
Aprendiz de viola e seus assistentes
Caravelas e navegantes
Ponto de Chegada
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The World is not an Island!